Spring & Summer Sporting Clay League Information
Both the Spring & Summer leagues will be a competitive “for fun” league with prize money paid to the top 25% of teams along with a weekly Lewis class payout. Each league will run for 10 shoot weeks. Please read below for League details, if you have any additional questions please email SportingClaysLeague@gmail.com,
Deadline to register for the Spring League Wednesday, March 5th
Deadline for the Summer League is Wednesday, May 28th.
League Details:
$500 entry fee for the 10 week league. Prize money will be paying out to a weekly High Overall (HOA) and Lewis class of 3 random paying $50 to each placing. No split money, ties will be broken by rolling dice for the tie breaker station on your scorecard. Team payout will be to the top 25% of teams.
If there are weather cancellations, the league will be extended additional weeks for a total of 10 complete shoot weeks. Any weather cancellations will be made via email, however we shoot rain or shine and will only postpone due to safety or extreme weather conditions.
100 Targets per week that must be shot between 2:30PM and completed by 7:00PM or Sunset (whichever is earlier) on Wednesday nights. You must provide your own ammunition. Firearms are available for rent and ammo is available to be purchased at Colorado Clays. NSCA Scoring rules will be in place (although again, non-registered league)
No individual shooter rain checks or makeup dates allowed. If you miss a scheduled week or you are unable to shoot that night, you get a “dog score” which will be 5 targets below what your current average score is. There are NO refunds for missed weeks and you cannot have someone shoot in your place.
How teams work – Teams of 5 shooters will be setup via a draft style selection the week before league begins. This allows a fair opportunity for all teams to have the chance to win, there will be no “ringer” teams. This also eliminates the need for shooters to build a full team to enter the league. How the draft works is that team captains will be selected from the prior league average scores and from the remaining league participants the captains will complete a ‘draft’ of who is on each team (think NFL/NBA style draft). You do not need to shoot with your drafted team, and you do not need to do anything to be part of the draft, all you do is sign up for the league! We will announce the teams before league begins via email.
This will be euro rotation squads which means you can shoot with anyone you want at any time on league day. If you want to meet new people, shoot with a new group! Historically many shooters start shooting between 3:30-4:30. Please have 3+ shooters per squad when shooting. If you need another shooter on your squad, just wait at the picnic tables for someone to show up.
Weekly scores are sent out via email along with the winners of the Lewis class prizes. The following week an envelope will be available at the Colorado Clays front desk with your prize money in it.
Spring League Dates – 10 wks
- March 12
- March 19
- March 26
- April 2
- April 9
- April 16
- April 23
- April 30
- May 7
- May 14
- **May 21
- **May 28
Summer League Dates – 10 wks
- June 4
- June 11
- June 18
- June 25
- <no league July 2>
- July 9
- July 16
- July 23
- July 30
- August 6
- August 13
- **August 20
- **September 3
**If there are weather cancellations, we will extend and shoot weeks into stared dates so the league will be 10 complete shoot weeks
Entry Fee is $500 per shooter and must be paid UP FRONT, cash or check only paid to Colorado Clays
- $400 to Colorado Clays for target fees ($39/wk)
- $100 to the Prize Money Pot ($10/wk)
Prize Money Payout Details:
4 Lewis Class Cuts, paying $50 per placing
- Pay Lewis HOA, & 3 random drawing numbers announced the week before
- Dog scores thrown out of Lewis Class
- No split payout for Lewis class, ties will be broken by rolling dice to determine first tie breaker station – then keep moving forward until tie is broken
We have gone to 6 person teams, so please see the below updated payouts.
Team Payout to 1st 40%, 2nd 30%, 3rd 20%, 4th 10% of pool after Lewis Payouts
Based on league entries (84 people) this is what the payouts would look like for the leagues. If we have any last minute cancellations this number will shift slightly.
- 84 shooters would be $8,400 in total prize money (84 * $100)
- $2,000 to HOA and Lewis Class Payouts (10 wks * $200/wk)
- $6,400 to Team Payout
- 40% 1st = $2,560 or $427/per person
- 30% 2nd = $1,920 or $320/per person
- 20% 3rd = $1,280 or $213/per person
- 10% 4th = $640 or $107/per person
**The numbers above will change depending on the total number of final paid entries.