Colorado Clays

Clay Shooting

Clay pigeon shooting, formally known as Inanimate Bird Shooting, is the art of shooting at special flying targets, known as clay pigeons or clay targets, with a shotgun. Clay pigeon shooting has at least 20 different forms of regulated competition called disciplines. These can be roughly divided into three main groups: Trap, Skeet and Sporting Clays.

clays shooting

We do not throw targets during inclement weather. Please call for availability if these conditions exist.

Clay Target Pricing:

  • Sporting Clays Round (100 targets) – $42.00
  • Trap/Skeet (25 targets) – $8.00
  • Golf Cart Rental – $20.00
  • Shotgun Rental – $25.00
  • Gun Transfer – $45.00

No Membership Required. Gift Certificates are also available for purchase

Please Note: Shotguns must be 36 inches in total length or longer when shooting Trap, Skeet or Sporting Clays. Assault or Tactical Shotguns are allowed in the pistol range with slugs only. 



Upcoming Events

8:00 am Conceal Carry Class
Conceal Carry Class
Feb 22 @ 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home: This course meets the new state requirements under the law HB24-1174 and qualifies you to apply for your Colorado Concealed Handgun Permit in your county of residence.  It includes a[...]
9:00 am Range Safety Officer (RSO) Class
Range Safety Officer (RSO) Class
Mar 1 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
NRA Range Safety Officer:  This class is for students who wish to become a certified NRA Range Safety Officer.  Candidates must receive 90 percent or better on the written exam. NRA Range Safety Officers must be[...]

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