Colorado Clays

Colorado Clays Calendar

Handgun 101/NRA Basic Pistol Class
Feb 8 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Handgun 101: This course will help the new shooter get started and become familiar with the 2 most common types of handguns – semi-automatic and revolvers.  It will cover topics such as safety, nomenclature and function, along with proper handgun grip and shooting stance, proper sight picture, sight alignment, front sight focus, trigger control, and follow through. We’ll discuss correct loading and unloading techniques and you’ll learn valuable Dry Practice skills that will allow you to practice on your own at home. We’ll also discuss cleaning and maintenance of your firearm. Instructor will provide handguns if the student does not have one – this is a great way to find out which one is best before making a purchase.

Call 303-659-7117 to register or visit Space is limited.

Cost: $125

Range Closed on Tuesdays
Feb 11 all-day
Range Closed on Tuesdays
Feb 18 all-day
Conceal Carry Class
Feb 22 @ 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home: This course meets the new state requirements under the law HB24-1174 and qualifies you to apply for your Colorado Concealed Handgun Permit in your county of residence.  It includes a certificate of completion for inclusion in your application packet.  The class includes instruction on safe handling of firearms and ammunition, safe storage of firearms and child safety, shooting fundamentals and federal and state laws pertaining to the lawful purchase, ownership, transportation, use, and possession of firearms, including instruction on extreme risk protection orders.  It will educate you on state law pertaining to the use of deadly force for self-defense, best practices to ensure CCW holders safely interact with law enforcement personnel who are responding to an emergency, techniques for avoiding a criminal attack and how to manage a violent confrontation, including conflict resolution and judgmental use of lethal force.  Live range shooting is included and required to complete this course and can be scheduled on an individual basis. Have a group interested? Special, private class times can be arranged.

Call 303-659-7117 to register or visit

Class Times: 8am – 5pm

Cost: $175

Range Closed on Tuesdays
Feb 25 all-day
Range Safety Officer (RSO) Class
Mar 1 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

NRA Range Safety Officer:  This class is for students who wish to become a certified NRA Range Safety Officer.  Candidates must receive 90 percent or better on the written exam. NRA Range Safety Officers must be 21 years of age or older.  Course content includes RSO’s roles and responsibilities, Range standard operating procedures (SOP), Range inspections – indoor and outdoor, Range rules – safety, site-specific, administrative, firearm stoppages and malfunctions, and Range Safety Briefings which include procedures to follow in the case of an emergency

Call 303-659-7117 to register or visit Space is limited.

Class Times: 9am – 6pm

Cost: $125

Range Closed on Tuesdays
Mar 4 all-day
NSCA Winter Fun 100
Mar 8 @ 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

2025 NSCA Winter Fun 100

Saturday, March 8th, 2025

9:00 am Registration

10:00 am Shoot

This is a squadded event

Cost: $75.00

Options: $15 Lewis/$15 Class Option

Trophies: $100 HOA and $5.00 per shooter Back to Class

Register at

Call 303-659-7117 to reserve a cart


Handgun 101/NRA Basic Pistol Class
Mar 9 @ 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Handgun 101: This course will help the new shooter get started and become familiar with the 2 most common types of handguns – semi-automatic and revolvers.  It will cover topics such as safety, nomenclature and function, along with proper handgun grip and shooting stance, proper sight picture, sight alignment, front sight focus, trigger control, and follow through. We’ll discuss correct loading and unloading techniques and you’ll learn valuable Dry Practice skills that will allow you to practice on your own at home. We’ll also discuss cleaning and maintenance of your firearm. Instructor will provide handguns if the student does not have one – this is a great way to find out which one is best before making a purchase.

Call 303-659-7117 to register or visit Space is limited.

Cost: $125

Range Closed on Tuesdays
Mar 11 all-day

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