March 16, 2024 @ 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm

March: Classroom & Range
Topic: Welcome Back/ Intro to Fundamentals
We will meet in the classroom first and review our site-specific range rules and have everyone sign the Acknowledgement of Range Rules for Colorado Clays. We would like to talk about the expectations and roles we have at our chapter meetings and let you know how you can help with any set-up/clean-up activities. We will make badges for all the members so we all get to know each other’s names, and any special roles we hold, ie. Range Safety Officer, Chapter Leader, New Shooter… We will have everyone demonstrate and get signed off on our safety protocols. Finally, since we will be shooting again, we will review the fundamentals of shooting and help you with any questions you have on your gun.
On the range we will diagnose your targets and offer you suggestions on correcting any weaknesses in your fundaments. We hope everyone goes home that night hitting the bullseye! For our advanced shooters we will review the steps to drawing from the holster.
What to Bring: Firearm in a case, ammunition or money to purchase ammo at the range, eye and ear protection, $10 range fee, a friend

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